Raider Hater Going Forward36

Here is the State of The Nation.

This being Super Bowl week, that is what we will focus on. Here is the schedule for the week.

Tuesday: A look at all of the coaching moves made thus far in the offseason.

Wednesday: A Look at my top 50-26 of my All-Time Super Bowl Moments.

Thursday: 25-1 of my All-Time Super Bowl Moments.

Friday: A preview of Super Bowl XLIII

Saturday: Thoughts on the Hall of FAme Class of 2009.

Going forward this is the plan for the off season.

Mondays: A Breakdown of the Key Off-Season Moves of the Week.

Tuesdays: Top 50 Players at Each Position Continues with The Hater Countdown Series.

Wednesdays: A Raider Hater Editorial.

Thursdays: Draft News.

Fridays: Random Thoughts.

This will carry us through the Draft in April and we’ll figure out where to go from there. So tune in tomorrow for my look at the 11 coaching vacancies, their replacements and the two jobs still available.

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